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  • Tags: New York City

Harlem 1943.png
This is a photograph of a street scene in Harlem, New York in June of 1943. It is part of The Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection, a gathering of black-and-white negative prints from a variety of sources,…

House of Mirth Item.pdf
This article from Current Literature describes the decor and style of a bachelor apartment in New York City that over looks Long Island and New Jersey. The article goes into great detail about what the apartment looks like such as, “The parlor itself…

Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 11.07.14 PM.png
This source is from one of Frank Leslie’s periodicals from July to December of 1890. Here he talks about “who was Charlotte Temple”. He goes in and breaks down what he talks about, specifically about the ruins of Trinity Church. He talks about…

This document is significant for The House of Mirth Because it shows a depiction of what a typical floor plan looks like during the time that the book takes place, which is the late 1800s. A typical apartment during that time would cost about $30 to…

Harlem Article 1 Snip.JPG
In The Color Purple, Nettie writes to Celie about her brief time spent in Harlem, New York City. She describes the fashion, the people, the churches, and the beautiful city lights and the culture all around her. Compared to the oppressive south,…

Omeka HOM 1.JPG
This very short but direct article comes from the New York Observer and Chronicle (which was in print from 1833 – 1912), describing productive improvements and work done over the summer in Long Island, 1905. It focuses solely on work and the…
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