The New York Horse Show

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The New York Horse Show


Charles Belmont Davis, illustrated by Edward Penfield




This item is from a monthly recreation magazine. It describes the wonders of the New York horse show. It describes the extravagant event that is extremely popular among the higher class society of New York. It compares it to the popularity of Wall Street among New Yorkers. It states one difference between the two is that the horse show comes every year and is always a success. It also explains why so many people are infatuated and excited to see the horses, getting a rush from their horse winning the blue ribbon. It also goes on to describe how the horse show works and all its details.


Lauren Samuel


Davis, Charles, and Edward Penfield. "The New York Horse Show." Monthly Magazine of Recreation 1 Feb. 1903. Print.

Davis, Charles, and Edward Penfield. "The New York Horse Show." Monthly Magazine of Recreation. 1 Feb. 1903. American Periodicals. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.


Original document is out of copyright (it was published before 1923). Every effort has been made to comply with the provisions of any licensing agreements associated with digitization of the original document. For further information, please see the “about” page.

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newspaper article


New York Horse Show .pdf


Charles Belmont Davis, illustrated by Edward Penfield, “The New York Horse Show,” American Women's Bestsellers -- Spring 2015, accessed May 15, 2024,

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