HomeCourse Procedures & MaterialsExhibit Assignment & Worksheet

Exhibit Assignment & Worksheet


English 202-004


Exhibit Assignment & Planning Worksheet


The goal of an exhibit is to make connections among the individual primary sources you’ve located and incorporated into items, the novel under investigation, and the spaces and places you’ve identified as important in the novel.  You’ll make these connections mostly by writing text for area and sub-area introductions, and, where appropriate, additional text to be associated with items; in addition, you’ll make spatial connections among items by deciding where to place them on a map. 

This file combines directions for creating exhibit text with a worksheet to use in planning your group’s part of the exhibit.  To avoid the potential chaos, and loss of data, associated with multiple people trying to edit an exhibit at once, I will take on the task of transferring items and new records containing additional text into the exhibit (we’ll discuss the distinction between Omeka items and Neatline records in class; for a primer/reminder, see http://docs.neatline.org/records-overview.html ).  The groups, however, need to plan their sections of the exhibit, write appropriate text, and decide which geographical areas should be highlighted on the map, and which text, and which items, should be associated with those areas.  The worksheet will guide you through that process. 

Each group should work together to complete a copy of this worksheet.  Start by saving a file named according to the following convention: Group[#]][initial(s) of text with which the item is associated – CT, L, HM, or CP]ex. So, group 1’s worksheet for the Charlotte Temple exhibit would be named Group1CTex; group 2’s worksheet for the Lamplighter exhibit would be named Group2Lex.  To find your group number for a particular exhibit, check the list of spaces/places assignments for the text in question under “other handouts,” and/or the “My Groups” area on the lefthand menu (these two numbers should match for any one exhibit; keep in mind that you may well be in a different-numbered group for each exhibit). If you’re not yet in a group for the text on which we’re currently working, email me; you need to be in a Bb group to get credit for this worksheet, and the exhibit). 

You’ll turn in two different copies of this worksheet to two different links in the Bb turn-ins folder (see course schedule for deadlines for turning in each version of the worksheet).  The first copy, turned in soon after the class session devoted to planning the exhibit, is a working draft that will allow me to create the version of the exhibit to which you’ll refer when presenting the exhibit to the class in an oral report.  After the presentation, you’ll have the chance to complete a revised version of the worksheet that indicates any changes you would like to make to the exhibit.    Please highlight any new or changed information on this second version of the worksheet, so I can easily see what needs to be changed.  I’ll make the changes indicated on the worksheet, then grade the resulting final version of the exhibit. 


Independent (Introductory/Overview) Records to Create/Place on Map:

These records serve as introductions/overviews for sections and, if appropriate, subsections of the exhibit.  You will need, at the very least, an independent record with several paragraphs of text introducing the overall area you’re investigating (e.g. a town, or the Atlantic Ocean), with a title that briefly identifies the area, and text to be placed in the body of the record that discusses the overall significance of that place in the novel the exhibit investigatesThis text should make reference to specific incidents in and/or quote from novel (with appropriate chapter or page-# references), and should also make reference to individual items as possible, using their titles (item #s get confusing, since records – see below – are numbered independently from the items.  My attempts to create links to items within the text have not worked so far, so we probably need to assume that option is not available).    

You may also want to create records introducing smaller sub-areas (or kinds of spaces/places) within the larger area (e.g. one of Charlotte’s dwellings, or a ship on the sea).  The same principle applies as for the overall introductory record: describe the overall significance of the space/place to the novel, referring to specific scenes and/or quotations as possible, and also make a connection to specific items as possible. 

The first record title in the chart below should identify the overall place/space/geographical area (e.g. New York, Boston, etc.) your group is investigating.  Sub-area/specific place introductions should follow. 

Record title (brief identification of the larger or smaller space/place you’re discussing)

Text for body of record (see description above).  If deciding where to place the dot associated with the record (see righthand column) required some reasoning, you may also want to describe that reasoning here. 

Geographical area with which the record should be associated.  This may be as general as a whole city (in which case I’ll place the point somewhere in the vicinity of the other points, mostly with an eye to making the exhibit as easy to navigate as possible) or as specific as a particular address, building, or set of cross-streets (in which case I’ll place the points as close as possible to that spot while maintaining navigability). 




















Item-Based Records to Create:

Each item a group member has created should also become a record associated with one or more of the geographical areas/space/places discussed in the introductory/overview records above.  For many items, you’ll just need to fill in just the first and last columns, since text you’ve already included in the time, including the description, will display.  For some, you may want to add additional text just under the title of the record; that’s what the middle column is for.  Please make sure to list contributors and item titles as well as item #s in the lefthand column; use the final row of the chart to list group members who haven’t yet contributed an item (you can add additional rows in between if needed). 

Contributor, item #, title.

Listing the contributor allows both of the group and the instructor to check that all group members have contributed items to the exhibit, so please make sure a group member’s name is associated with each item below.  You can find the item # by looking at the end of the url when the item is displayed; since the menu for associating items shows the title but not the item #, please include enough of the beginning of the title for me to identify the item that way as well) 

Text, if any, for the body of the record.

This text will display toward the top of the record, just below the title and above the Dublin Core Metadata, which will be automatically imported into the record.  Since the text you’ve already included in your item description will automatically import into the record as part of the metadata,  you don’t need to reenter any text that is already in the item description here.  In many cases, the description text will be enough.  However, if you’d like to include one or more quotations from the novel that illustrate the connection between the item and the novel, this would be an appropriate place to put them; this kind of close connection to the text is one of the things that can push an exhibit into the “exceeds requirements” ranks on the grading rubric.  This field can also be used for other text that doesn’t precisely describe the item, but makes a connection between it and the novel and/or another item. 

Geographical area with which the record should be associated. 

At the very least, specify the area or subarea described above with which this item should be associated by providing the title you used above.  If the item can be associated with a specific geographical point, do your best to describe it using a place name, street address (or set of cross streets), latitude/longitude combination, or other descriptor. 













List group members who haven’t yet contributed items here: