History of Trinity Church and its grave yard...

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History of Trinity Church and its grave yard...


Allan Pollock




This primal book proves that there in fact is a grave for Charlotte Temple. "Crossing the path, and near to Broadway, is a large brown tomb-stone, lying upon the surface of the ground. Near the head is an open cavity where orignally was a marble tablet with an inscription. This was stolen, and another was substituted made of brass and bolted down to the stone. This was also stolen, and the cavity has since remained open. Below the caity is cut the name of CHARLOTTE TEMPLE." This text goes on to talk about Charolotte temple's life as if she was actually a real person. Although she is a fictional character from a novel, people still stop by and visit her grave in Manhattan, New York.


Michael Monahan


Pollock, Allan. "History of Trinity Church and Its Grave Yard ..." Google Books. Google, 22 Aug. 2008. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.


Original document is out of copyright (it was published before 1923). Every effort has been made to comply with the provisions of any licensing agreements associated with digitization of the original document. For further information, please see the “about” page.


Harvard University


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Allan Pollock, “History of Trinity Church and its grave yard...,” American Women's Bestsellers -- Spring 2015, accessed May 3, 2024, https://202s15.cesaunders.net/items/show/44.

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